What we've been printing this week

It’s been a busy week here at HQ. Our little company is building slowly and it’s very exciting to watch these amazing items come in and go out again.
We have helped a local neighbour with some paper printing. 4 sets of double-sided copies on premium paper in an hour.
Having all the print equipment here in house is a total blessing and we realise we are very lucky to have all this equipment and knowledge on hand so providing printing services to our local community to help out is very important to us.
One of our founding beliefs is that we should share our good fortune with others. We aren’t here to make a ‘quick buck’, we want everyone to be able to benefit from what we have here.
We’ve been printing off some foam-ex boards - warning signs for a garage mechanic’s area for a commercial vehicle dealership. These look amazing, are so reasonably priced and are fully laminated in a high gloss finish. This makes them UV resistant and extremely hard wearing and long lasting. We love them.
Another thing we have printed this week is custom wheelie bin stickers. We lost a wheelie bin in the storms a few weeks ago so ordered a replacement, about a week later ours turned up, but we were too late to cancel the new bin so we printed some custom stickers to prevent anyone from nabbing our lovely new bin.
We have also printed some stag do t-shirts for a lovely bunch of lads for later next week – hoping they have an amazing time and everyone has a blast, and also comes home safely. We really love printing stag and hen do t-shirts, just such a happy time. Any print in any colour is possible, and we can supply the t-shirts, or you can if you prefer – saving time and keeping costs down.
One of our corporate clients has requested some custom diaries, mouse mats and coasters, so they have been in the production line. These are so professional and bring a little touch of class to any office or boardroom.
Embroidery has been going nuts this week! So much so that we have a little rethink and decided to update our logo to include Appleton Print & Embroidery as it’s a really lovely developing side of the business.
Something about embroidered designs really makes my heart sing. I just need to get out more I think. We’ve been working on some new designs this week, a t-shirt dragon and a new load of embroidery test files, including the 3D raised embroidery. We’ve got a cap order for next week, so hopefully we will be able to update with a picture in progress or when completed.
Our embroidery machine can rotate caps through 180 degrees – so these will have a logo to the front, and a second logo to the side – double branding in one product. The embroidery machine is so accurate – every job is spot on, and with speeds up to 1250 rpm, it’s a quick way to customize an item of clothing. We’ve been practicing our digitizing skills and different embroidery styles to get better and better finishes.
So, all in all, a productive and interesting week. Looking forward to continually moving forward and building our little business up. Can we help you with any printing or embroidery services at all?